Reality tunnels
“Your experience of the world is always like the experience of someone from outside a tunnel in the middle of it and looking at the end of the tunnel. You see the world based on your perspective about the world and your beliefs.
You will experience everything inside the reality tunnel, and everything outside of it is as if it does not exist in your reality tunnel. Like your breathing operation, which was out of your reality tunnel before reading this sentence, but now you are aware of it (and soon after, it comes out of your reality tunnel again). “
In this article, based on the principle of parallel realities of ONEEYE, I will teach you how to enter the reality tunnel that increases your focus and slows down the passage of time.
Slowing down time?! how is it possible?
As stated in the article “The Principles of Parallel Realities of ONEEYE”, although the truth of this world is fixed, you can change the reality of your life by changing the tunnel of reality in which you live and take advantage of the special benefits of each reality tunnel in the right times. The truth of your life doesn’t matter at all, because your mind can never understand the truth, and every moment, it enters a reality tunnel. Everything inside the tunnel looks completely real, and everything outside is out of your attention (a kind of Hypnosis). For example, right now, you’re in a reality tunnel where you can’t feel your breath. And now that we’ve mentioned it, you’ve come out of that tunnel and felt your breathing (you’ll forget about breathing again a few moments later and enter the same tunnel).
Simulation of the brain
All you currently understand about the world is a simulation that is being simulated for you by the brain. For example, your understanding of “time” is just a kind of simulation that your mind shows you, from the truth of this world. Or, for example, although one second is always one second, your understanding and productivity of the time and speed of its passage depend directly on the state of your mind. A simple example is that when you are happy, everything passes quickly and when you are upset, everything slows down. When your mind is troubled, you will not be focused; when your mind is calm, you will be more focused.
Every reality tunnel you are in at any given moment has its own different and special features, and you can take full advantage of these benefits. Even the behavior of others with you, the luck or misfortunes and events of your life, and your life span will be completely different from living in any tunnel.
How to enter this reality tunnel?
The article “Hypnotic Loops” explains how you get into a reality tunnel by drawing your consciousness into the hypnotic cycle (pictured above).
Entering the reality tunnel accurately occurs by drowning your consciousness in a hypnotic cycle (pictured above), and in another article, we’ll take a closer look at the process in detail. But for now, in this article, we’ll introduce you to physiology, which will help you get into this parallel reality.
Proper physiology to enter this reality tunnel.
Sit somewhere and slow down all your activities and body parts.
☯ NOTE ☯
In this particular tunnel, you are not reacting at all to events or people around you or to your inner feelings, and if you have a reaction (for example, scratching a part of your body), it is very slow and competent. In this tunnel, you are in a state of absolute mental and physical calm and harmony, you hear and feel the surrounding sounds with all your being, and you will observe the whole environment in a proper way.
Your speaking speed in this tunnel is slow, and you have a lot of silence. In fact, both your inner literature (talking to yourself) and your external literature (talking to people and the world around you) all confirm characteristics such as (focus, slowing down time, and being unresponsive to anything).
In this tunnel, for example, when you want to steam your head, you do it very slowly; you move your eyes slowly and blink slowly.
- Preferably sit on all fours and even slow down your thoughts.
- Then oscillate in your body (forward and backward or left and right or rotationally, try all of these to find the optimal mode for yourself) and slow down the oscillation speed.
- Slow down your breathing and take deep breaths so that you can sometimes hear the sound of your breathing.
- Now imagine a bubble around you that is the tunnel bubble of your current reality. The world normally flows out of this bubble, but inside this reality, there is a concentration, a slow passage of time, and a high efficiency that you will gradually feel.
☯ NOTE ☯
With a little practice, you will find the optimal speed for your body to swing, the optimal breathing speed, the optimal blinking speed and other features to enter this special reality tunnel.
And whenever you need it, re-create those features in your body to enter this tunnel of reality.
If you can do this well, you will gradually notice changes in your world experience. These changes can vary depending on how things are said (e.g., your swing speed, etc.).
For example:
1. Looking at the hands of the clock, you feel that the speed of time has slowed down
2. The speed of thoughts and images enters your mind more slowly
3. Your creativity increases, and new solutions come to your mind at once
4. The amount of work you do increases.
5. You may feel that the space around you has changed and experience the space and place differently.
6. In the deep stages, you don’t experience yourself and feel like you are one with the whole world.
7. The events of your life and the behavior of others will be different in this particular tunnel.
Reading the article on speech hypnosis will also increase your understanding of how to enter a reality tunnel. However, we recommend entering this particular tunnel only at times (mentioned in this article) when you need extraordinary growth. Because being in this tunnel for a long time will have other side effects in other aspects of your life that you can experience by increasing awareness which is beyond the scope of this article.