Why does your subconscious mind produce negative emotions?
Some of you may be completely surprised why your subconscious mind sometimes sends you negative emotions. The subconscious mind sends you negative and positive emotions to help you achieve important goals. The more you believe in yourself the better you will feel. you may ask why?
If the subconscious mind feels that you are moving away from your goals, it will try to bring you back to the main path, motivate you and make you happy by sending these negative feelings.
You may ask: So why do I feel anxious even when I am on the right track?
The answer is: Anxiety arises when the subconscious mind doubts your ability and he cannot trust you anymore.
Now the question that we want to answer in the following is:
How do we convince the subconscious mind that we believe in our goals and no longer experience negative feelings?
How to convince the subconscious mind to believe in your goals?
Why are some people excited and motivated when working on their goals while others are anxious or worried?
Why does the subconscious mind help some people to produce good feelings, while the subconscious mind of other people makes them feel bad and worried?
The structure of subconscious mind
To answer these questions, you must be familiar with the structure of the subconscious mind. You need to think of your subconscious mind as a separate entity that knows everything about you! If this person believes in you because of the good and successful deeds of the past, he will show his trust in you and help you in the future by producing a good feeling.
But if in the past, every time you had a plan to achieve your goal, you never acted on it, your subconscious will never believe you, and this distrust is shown by the lack of motivation in you.
Suppose every time you write a plan to achieve your goals, you never act on it. Now, if you make a timeline again, you will most likely find that your subconscious mind does not motivate you and instead make you feel anxious.
This event occurs because the subconscious mind cannot trust you anymore. On the other hand, if you were always on the go and your past results were good, writing down your goals on paper or planning would motivate you.
This is because some people do not feel motivated after writing their goals and, for example, produce a sense of worry. Similarly, some people will never feel confident because they have never convinced their subconscious that they are valuable. By doing the right thing several times and producing positive evidence, your subconscious mind will be convinced to believe you and create positive supportive feelings in you.
🤩 How do you regain the trust of your subconscious?
Now and finally, the main and important question is: “If we do not have a successful past, how can we regain the trust of our subconscious?”
The answer is simple: you have to prove to your subconscious that you keep your word! This means that you have to try and work for a while, even with a negative feeling, and create evidence that your subconscious mind will believe in you again. Once your subconscious mind trusts you again, you will no longer have problems such as lack of motivation and bad feelings after planning for your goals.