When we entered this world we were a blank page. We had no feelings – there was no bad mood or even good mood- and everything was a new experience for us. Over time all we learned and everything we learned from the world around us – about the world, life, relationships, different laws, body and personality and those around us – form an existence in us that can be considered as mind or ego. That this part is completely separate from the true part of our being, the soul.

Who is the voice that constantly speaks within you?

It is very important to know that what speaks inside you like a tape recorder and gives you different and even repetitive reactions at different times is not your true self. This point and separating your true self and your soul from it will return you to the liberation and peace that you have spent the moments of your life finding.

That your true self is something or a world beyond the voice that speaks within you. A voice that seems impossible to get rid of.

What are emotions? Are the feelings real?

Our emotions began at exactly the moment when the mind and soul were in agreement or opposition … when what we saw and our minds perceived matched what our soul knew before birth in this world, we felt We had a good feeling and when our mind has a perception contrary to what our soul knows, we will feel bad …

We may not have had any apparent control over our emotions until now, but by knowing this beautiful and subtle point, we can bring the consciousness of our minds closer and closer to the consciousness of our souls to experience a paradise that no one can even imagine.

Because our paradise is completely internal and no one and nothing can ruin it …

What is the purpose of the bad mood section?

In this section, we learn how in different and important parts of our lives, bring the consciousness of our mind closer to the consciousness of the soul and look at issues in a way that makes us feel unique and wonderful. we also learn how bad mood and bad feelings can lead us to a paradise that no one can even imagine.

angry thoughts

Bye-Bye Angry me

why are you angry? Why do you get out of control sometimes? How to get rid of anger and bad temper forever? Have you ever gotten angry over simple things even though you have decided many times that you will never get mad again? What do you think is the reason? Stay tuned for more:…

judgments and their effect on others

Why are your judgments never true?

What’s the problem with your judgments? Judgments are the destructive cycles that the mind traps you into them according to its evolutionary structure of several million years and its inherent weaknesses. Interestingly, anyone who is judging others really feels that their judgment is true! So, you have to be very conscious about this weakness. Tips…