Our five senses, namely sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, are the tools that help us understand this world. They tell us that this world comprises matter or objects in different shapes, colours and characteristics. We feel ourselves in a three-dimensional world and understand time, which changes everything. But is this true?
Classical physics, modern physics
Classical physics tells us that matter flows and is controlled by the laws of physics, such as the three laws of motion, the law of gravity, the laws of fluids and others. It is assumed that everything is made of molecules. Molecules are made of atoms, and they are made of three particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. We have learned all these things.
But according to modern physics, the universe is not essentially made of matter. The most fundamental particles are not protons, neutrons, and electrons! Modern science says that matter is essentially energy! Einstein’s famous equation (E=mc^2) shows the relationship between matter and energy.
What are quarks?
The nucleus particles are made of smaller particles called quarks, which are connected by gluons. The exciting thing is that the mass of gluons is zero, and the mass of quarks is only 5%. The remaining 95% is created from the kinetic energy and internal interaction of quarks and gluons. Therefore, energy and matter have a critical interaction. Remember that humanity goes increasingly into the atom every day; it is more confused about its structure!
Everything is energy. The matter is a compressed, high-vibration, dense form of energy and vibrations. But even more important, we can raise a critical sentence:
“Whatever your dream world is made of, the waking world is also made of.” “
Consciousness is what makes the whole world for you.
Consciousness is what makes the whole world for you. If you discover a law, it is true in the width of your consciousness. For example, in a dream, a law like the law of flying or even passing through the wall will rule for you! The world you experience is your consciousness. This is why metaphysical or energy-related laws work and can change your life even without a tangible “physical” reason. Everything is going on behind the scenes; in energy dimensions, everything is entirely different from what you think.