angry thoughts

Bye-Bye Angry me

why are you angry? Why do you get out of control sometimes? How to get rid of anger and bad temper forever? Have you ever gotten angry over simple things even though you have decided many times that you will never get mad again? What do you think is the reason? Stay tuned for more:…

what causes you to get sick?

what causes you to get sick?

What causes you to get sick? Have you ever noticed that sometimes you catch a cold all at once, without doing any special activity, while sometimes, you may not have followed many points but you do not get sick? Have you noticed when you get sick? When you experience some kind of emotional turmoil, you…

subconscious mind

What is the subconscious mind?

What is the subconscious mind? Think of the subconscious as the space to function and store things you are not currently aware of (for example, you were already breathing unconsciously). It contains your life experiences, memories, beliefs, skills, and things you have seen. Also, controlling many of your body’s subconscious functions, such as breathing, heart rate, digestion, temperature control, etc., that…