You have probably tried to learn different things along the way. The simplest and most common is driving, which many spend a lot of time practicing. But how can learning be accelerated? how can your subconscious help you in mastering a particular skill?
The process of mastering a skill
In short, the path to mastering and becoming a professional in a particular skill (driving, art, cycling, etc.) is the same path of transferring it from your conscious mind to your subconscious mind.
When you drive for the first time, your whole conscious mind is involved in doing it to learn everything step by step. At first, you become so consciously involved in learning to drive that you can’t do anything else (such as even talking) while doing it. With a period of regular practice, your subconscious mind will eventually control your driving, so you can do other things at the same time.
But how do you accelerate the transition from conscious to subconscious while learning a skill?
Assign skills to the subconscious faster
Extract emotion and rhythm from every skill you are trying to learn. Extract repetitive emotional patterns from the skill, have and feel a certain style while learning that skill. Increase the intensity of your emotions while learning.
The more intense and rhythmic emotions you find and feel in doing that skill, the faster the process of transferring the skill to your subconscious will occur.
For example, if you are driving, make a sensory connection to the sound of the engine, have a certain style while shifting gears, and feel a certain rhythm in the whole process of shifting gears.
It does not matter, even if you are learning to cook, engage with the whole process on an emotional level. Even if you are sprinkling salt on food, do it in a strange way and with a special feeling (it is not bad to remember that famous Turkish chef and his special salt sprinkling style)! Even wear special clothes and involve yourself in a complete emotional way involve in the whole process!