judgments about others and their feeling

What’s the problem with your judgments?

Judgments are the destructive cycles that the mind traps you into them according to its evolutionary structure of several million years and its inherent weaknesses. Interestingly, anyone who is judging others really feels that their judgment is true! So, you have to be very conscious about this weakness.

Tips on judging

Your judgments are never true

  • No human being can make even one correct judgment in his entire life, because he always sees the world through his limited reality tunnel, and this is the inherent limitation of the brain. The truth is very complex, and the mind is always unable to interpret it. When you judge, you choose parts of the truth, form a reality in your mind (which looks real but never true!) and make conclusions out of it. But you should always be aware that these judgments are only part of the truth, not the truth itself! While judging, you choose components from the truth that has insightful parts and details, and the bad news is that your mind always feels that its limited judgments are absolutely right! For example, after a relationship, you may say bad things about your boyfriend or praise him too much. Either way, you have selectively chosen things and not seen too many other things that have nothing to do with the truth. So, if you really think right now that all your judgments are correct or there is even a judgment that is true, think about it again!

When judging the actions of others, rest assured that at the moment your mind gives you the illusion that 100% of what you think is true, there is another window that if you look at the issue from that angle, you will agree that another 100% is true! Because every judgment you make is just your point of view.

Judging others makes you unaware of your path and within

To judge something in the outside world, your consciousness will be reduced because your focus is not on your path and inner self. However, if you want full-fledged growth, you must have certain internal principles, plans, and goals that you will not neglect for even a second, and you must be vigilant every second. During the judgments, your focus is shifted outward, and if this situation continues, the low-value external issues will consume all of your energy and keep you from your big goals.

You have no control over anything other than yourself

In life, the only thing that is within your power and influence is yourself. If someone is talking behind your back, it is none of your business because you can never control the thoughts of others. Everyone has free will! Also, if someone is supposed to do something for you, and they don’t, it’s not because they’re bad and it’s better not to start your judgments about him! You have to create that power in yourself to be effective! Be the creator, not the prey. Go back inside and ask, how can I convince this person? With what knowledge and method of expression? Always consider yourself a factor in external events to grow and relax. If no one is listening, you are the only one responsible. Because if you created the relevant science in yourself, you could influence that person. So: there is always an internal solution to external problems.

Looking for a better future and losing the present moment

When you constantly judge everything, you are looking for something better every second. And you’ll get stuck in a cycle where you’re looking for some future moment when everything is better. You are not mentally present at the moment, and you are constantly losing the present and what you have right now!


Consider an example. You see someone driving in front of you at high speed and you get angry, thousands of thoughts and judgments about that person come to mind.
But now pay attention to one thing: what if he has a bad patient in the car?
Or: Have you ever done something similar in any place in your life? Assuming you only made a mistake once. What if it was the only mistake of this person in his life, too?
As you can see, everything is about the window by which we give birth to the world. It is the mind that gives meaning to what happens.

Healthy Relationship – ONEEYE Social Skills – ONEEYE

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