
Social Skills

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $24.00.

(1 customer review)
  • Do you get nervous about socializing / trying to meet new people?
  • Do you worry about other people’s opinions of you or of being embarrassed publicly?
  • Do you feel awkward in a group of new people who already know each other?
  • Do you want to increase your social skills to approach and talk to members of the opposite sex?
  • Do you want to feel comfortable and confident in ANY social situation?


Social Skills

If you can relate to any of the above questions then you are certainly not alone. Your lack of social skills actually boils down to your negative thought processes associated with various aspects of socializing – you could say that your mind is controlling you; making you nervous and worried, which in turn results in lower social skills.

The good news is that you can reprogram the way your mind works. Our subliminal mp3 album works directly with your unconscious mind – the root source of your problem – to remove anxiety and improve your social skills. Here’s how it will help you:

  • Train your mind to be calm in social situations: lose the worry about what people think of you, embarrassment, nervousness, fear of approaching and starting conversations and general social awkwardness.
  • Learn to live in the moment, without worrying about what to say, lose the fear of starting conversations, win friends and even sexual partners with your improved confidence and social skills.
  • Become relaxed and confident to interact socially even in new group situations or where you don’t know anybody!
  • Reprogram your mind to relax and become more social around the opposite sex.

If you really want to become more social you need to act now – just imagine how your life will be several years into the future if you do not make some changes. You will be in an even worse situation, you will be more set in your ways and will find your familiar behavior patterns and shyness even harder to overcome!

Script Used in Improve Social Skills Subliminal Recording

  • I enjoy social situations
  • I am calm and relaxed in social gatherings
  • I enjoy meeting new people
  • I am confident in social situations
  • I am respected in my peer group
  • I am comfortable being myself
  • I enjoy starting conversations
  • I effortlessly start conversations with strangers
  • I naturally say whatever is on my mind
  • I speak whatever I am thinking
  • I am confident around the opposite sex
  • I enjoy interacting socially with the opposite sex

subliminal – ONEEYE Subliminal messages and their Power – ONEEYE

1 review for Social Skills

  1. Dan Snow

    The first one is the approach anxiety one. I have used this for a while. I used to NEVER be able to approach anyone let alone a different gender. I had used this one for about 2 – 3 weeks and oh my gosh!! The results are amazing, One night I went out and the previous night I was still struggling to approach anyone a little. Instead, this night I went out, without any thought, anxiety or nervousness at all I approached 6 girls at a table and sat down with them, and felt completely comfortable approaching them just like they were my best friends. It’s amazing!!!

    The second one I bought was the Social skills and Stop caring what people think. I had the same results but this took about a month or so. Before in public I would always be avoiding doing things I wanted in case of what someone might think. Now after using these albums for a while I can now feel comfortable around people and start a conversation with anyone and I also do what I want to do now with no anxious thought of what others may think of me. It’s really life changing. Thank you so much!!! The final one I bought was the Extrovert personality one. Since I was a child I have always been extremely introverted. To the point I never socialised and stayed in my room most of the time. After using this album for just over a month, I am always taking opportunities to socialise and go out and meet new people, There are very little signs of being introverted left. I used to make excuses not to go out and meet people or socialise, now it’s the complete opposite, I always find reason not to stay in. All of these albums have really helped me!! It’s completely changed my life, there will be a few more albums I shall buy from you I’m sure

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