Certainty, the most important factor in achieving success!

CERTAINTY! 99% OR 100%?

In this article, we want to talk to you about the importance of certainty. Certainty is one of the highest and best qualities you need to succeed. Better to say: all you need to do to achieve your goals is to be sure of achieving them! Our failures are all due to doubts! Mathematically, there may not be much difference between 99% and 100%. But psychologically, there is a very, very long distance between 99% and 100% on the way to the goal !!!!!! Stay tuned for the rest of the article!

Ever wondered about the power of certainty? Have you ever wondered why when you are hesitant to do something, you usually either procrastinate or fail if you do it?

Do you think that you will only start doing something when you are sure that you will suffer a lot of pain and have no other opportunity? Or that you will get a lot of pleasure if you are convinced?

Have you noticed that in the morning, until you are sure that there is no other opportunity left and you will not arrive on time, you keep turning off the alarm clock and going to sleep for another quarter?

Either you do it or you die

In this article, we are going to give you a very special view of the attribute of certainty. To be successful, you must know that the most important attribute you need is a certainty. Have you ever seen what extraordinary things people do when they reach the crossroads of certainty that they will either achieve their goal or die?

All you have to do is, when you want to start something, be sure with all your being that you will achieve it. The opposite of certainty is to have doubts. When you doubt that you will achieve something or not, you do not do your best and when you do not achieve it, you say: Did I not say that? However, all your power is activated only when you are absolutely sure.

The dilemma of doubt is troublesome in many places!

Imagine that on the road you want to overtake the car in front of you. When you are constantly in doubt about whether to go or not, you miss the opportunity, and even when overtaking, you do not use all your strength. And that’s why old drivers say: Do not hesitate! Either go or not!

When you want to jump off a cliff, it is you who, by doubting, increase the risk for yourself. When in doubt, you do not use all your strength and reduce the chance of success.

You will reach your goal when you reach the crossroads of reaching or death! Because in this case you are sure that you want to reach! It is when you set fire to the return ships that all your forces gather.

Attract Success – ONEEYE Success – ONEEYE

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